Thursday, January 8, 2015

Top 7 Symptoms of Periodontal (Gum) Disease

Besides tooth decay, periodontal disease (gum disease) is a prominent problem with oral health. They both create dental problems if left untreated. Gum disease often strikes silently. In other words, the disease has already set into the gums before ever being detected. Good brushing habits do well to prevent the disease in the first place and regular dental check-ups are the best way to catch oral health problems in the earliest stages. Catching tooth decay and periodontal disease in the beginning makes it much easier to treat. You could put a stop to gum disease if you catch it early enough.
Healthy gums strengthen healthy teeth

7 Gum Disease symptoms to watch out for:

1. Gums are red, puffy and tender to touch. This isn't normal. Healthy gums don’t swell, change in color or become tender without cause. If it happens and goes away on its own without re-occurrence, you may not have to worry about it. If you find that it is happening more often or is a continuous problem, don’t waste any more time hoping it will go away on its own.

2. Do your gums bleed when you are brushing or flossing? Reoccurring bleeding gums are a sure sign that something is not right. Occasionally if there is something really stuck in between your teeth, the floss or a tooth pick could break the skin while trying to get the particle out. It isn't this rare instance that should alarm you but rather the repeated occurrence of bleeding gums.

3. Do your teeth look like they have grown longer? Receding gums is a normal part of growing older, but it doesn't happen that fast unless there is something wrong. If you notice a difference in the size of your teeth, it’s time to call the dentist.

4. Finding food stuck in your gums more often? It is not uncommon to find things such as popcorn kernels stuck in gums after a trip to the movies.  When gums begin to separate from your teeth, it creates a pocket for food to get stuck in. If you find that food is becoming trapped in your gums on a more consistent basis, it is time to visit your dentist.

5. People don’t often pay attention to the way food is chewed. If you begin to notice something different in the way your teeth fit together when you bite, it is a sign that something is changing in your mouth. Gum disease can weaken teeth and make them move or shift. When you notice a change in the way your teeth fit together during biting, make an appointment to see your dentist.

6. Any sign of pus coming out of your gum line, in between or around your teeth is an apparent sign of some sort of infection. Just because you have no other signs or symptoms of periodontal disease, pus should never be ignored. The problem may lie well below the surface and will require immediate medical attention. Let your dentist know, the office staff will quickly schedule an appointment to check it out.

7. We all get bad breath now and then from the food and drink choices we make. Constant bad breath (Halitosis) is a definite sign that something is wrong somewhere. A good brushing and flossing routine takes away food particles that could cause bad breath. When the odor does not go away, it is a good sign that something is going on under the surface. You guessed it, call your dentist.

Early stages of gum disease can be reversed, but once periodontal disease has set in, your dentist can only treat it. It is important to pay attention to your oral health as you would the rest of your body. Some oral problems are signs or symptoms of additional medical problems. Regular check-ups are proactive prevention methods to stop gum disease before it has a chance to start. Tartar that is given the opportunity to sit on the teeth and along the gum line will definitely create future troubles.

Call Diablo Pacific Dental Group as soon as you notice one of the above symptoms of gum disease. Take the proactive approach one step further and schedule an appointment for a regular check-up. An apple a day may keep a doctor away, while routine cleanings do the same for periodontal disease.